The Vulnerability Initiative

Please fill out the form so we can start to help guide you to the support you, your family or your friends need, to make things a little easier.

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Your Details

Please enter a valid UK phone number
Some of the services require your date of birth to complete their forms

Please enter your full post code - e.g BS16 1EP (Make sure to add the postcode with spacing)
Please enter a valid UK postcode

In order to inform you of specific services required please select one of the following flags that relates to you.
Select an additional reason to help us provide more tailored support.

Terms and Privacy Statements*

The Vulnerability Initiative or its partners will never sell nor share your information without your full written consent. You can view our GDPR privacy policy here.

By registering here - we will apply on your behalf and remove the need for you to complete the long forms.
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About You

On a scale of 1 to 5, how much damp and mould is present where you live, with 5 being the most?
As part of our initiative we looking to assess the presence or severity of condensation, damp, or mould growth in UK properties.
To help us understand (we won't share this with anyone), have you ever borrowed money from someone other than a bank or credit company for bills or unexpected costs?

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Select Your Support Services*

I would like help with…
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Form Saved Successfully

We've sent an email to {{ }} with instructions to continue your registration later.

Your reference number: {{ saveReference }}

{{ saveMessage }}

Form Already Submitted

This form has already been completed and submitted.

Your reference number: {{ completedFormReference }}

If you need to submit another registration, please start a new form.

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